30 Something Series; An Introduction

For someone who started an entire website based on the premise that I want an outlet for my writing; I sure do find it almost impossible to sit down and just begin. Maybe it is the part of me that has trouble starting a specific task or the part that just has trouble narrowing down my thoughts enough to make them presentable. Nonetheless, it’s been an unforeseen challenge. 

I have wanted to write about being in my 30’s for a while though, and what the “beginning” of this new chapter in life has meant to me. So long in fact, that I am almost 35. Half way done with this decade, but just now starting to get a grasp on it. I feel like that is true of most transitional periods in my life. Once I finally begin to process the change, evaluate what it means for me, mourn what is no longer, and accept what is; it's over. My 30’s have been no different. A lot of reality checks, processing, mourning, and now slowly finding my freedom in it. As someone who dissects almost every situation to the point of exhaustion; I thought why not do the same for this “new” decade/era, but in writing. In doing so, maybe it not only helps me process a little quicker, but also opens up a conversation about finding ourselves in this new decade. 

This period in my 30’s is the first time that I have felt simultaneously limited and limitless. I am finally losing that “childlike” notion of “I can do anything or be anything” that carried me well through my 20’s. I have started to acknowledge that some lanes are closed for me and others are closing soon. Not to mention for women, we have a whole biological component that can start to play a role in the decisions we make or feel we “should” make. (And the pressure to DO IT NOW!) At the same time I have a sense of respect and confidence in myself that I wish I could have introduced 10-15 years earlier. At the very least I have an understanding of myself now that has just started to unfold in the last few years. An acceptance and grace for my “why I am” that has started to lead me to my “who I am”. 

So here is the start of my “30 Something Series”. I want to really dive into a wide range of topics from breaking old habits, mental health, and processing past trauma, to combating societal norms of what being a woman in your 30s looks like; work/life balance, the choice to not have children or the struggle to have children, our changing bodies and health and SO much more.  

While I am excited to pick other’s brains, make sure I am being as inclusive as I can, and explore these topics with you; the truest thing I can write is what I have experienced myself and allow that experience to help me become reflective and curious. While this new chapter has not always been easy it has probably been the truest for me. I have found true power in questioning things I once just “accepted”, and knowing that there is so much more to explore. 

So WELCOME to our 30’s (mid 30’s since we are being honest) and let’s explore together. This phase in life can become all about discovery and setting a foundation for each decade to come. A stage for us to start truly loving where we are without comparison but with compassion. So not only will you see a series about being a woman in her 30’s but I hope you also see a woman finding herself and rejoicing in herself along the way.


A Revolution and a Revelation


Time to Go