Attention Seeking or Connection Seeking
Olivia Bray Olivia Bray

Attention Seeking or Connection Seeking

Would you react differently if I said your child is seeking connection vs. attention? Let’s explore this reframe and what it looks like in our child and ourselves.

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Should Kids Come with "Warning Labels?"
Olivia Bray Olivia Bray

Should Kids Come with "Warning Labels?"

Ever feel you need to add a disclaimer to your child for just being “a child”? Between meltdowns, unfiltered honesty, and what seems like an every changing mood; we walk around explaining and apologizing for their every mood. Why do we feel the need to do this and is there another way of looking at it?

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Pretend Play and Why it is SO DARN HARD
Olivia Bray Olivia Bray

Pretend Play and Why it is SO DARN HARD

Is pretend play hard for anyone else? I wanted to see if I was alone in this struggle and if there was a possible “why” behind this play being so hard for me as a parent.

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