Much like my grandmother, I always knew I wanted to be a mom. There was no doubt in my mind that I would have kids and also similarly, I gave no thought to what type of mom I would be. I just knew it would be the one thing that I didn’t constantly doubt myself about, or look outside myself for approval. While yes, we all doubt and we all turn to our village for advice, I had and still have, a calmness and trust in myself as a mother that doesn’t carry over to any other aspect of my life. I think one thing that most mothers have in common is our overwhelming pride and love for our children. We doubt ourselves, but do we doubt that anyone could love, champion, and advocate for our child/children as well as we can? Absolutely not. I think that is where my confidence lies; I’ve made countless mistakes in just 7 short years but in my bones, I feel no one is more suited to be this little magical boy's momma than me. 

Both of us welcomed wonderful, amazing passionate little boys that were the first of their generation for both sides of the family. It continues to be the little things that I knew but never really internalized that continue to link us in ways we never even realized.


This is the beginning of a very very important part of my life. This is where all the big changes in my life are going to happen and the most gratifying… because this is when I became a mom. I wasn’t sure how I would be as a mother, I never even thought about that. I just knew that I wanted children immediately. I had the examples of my mother, my grandmother and my aunts. I had an idea of what it would be like, but only time would tell if I would actually be a good mother or not. But I can tell you I am by far the PROUDEST mom.I am the proudest of my 3 children more than anything in the world. They have become incredible grownups. The three of them show up for everyone in their lives. They have created their own families and have become such an incredible example for the new generations.Out of everything in my life, I am the most proud of my 3 children. 

 The first one, my boy, Fernando Rafael Mendez Velasco was born 9 months and 1 day after my wedding. He was 10.5lbs. It took him a couple of days of labor but here he came into this world, the first Mendez and the first Velasco of the next generation. Everyone gathered around him; aunts, uncles, grandparents. He was so loved and celebrated as the first boy who would carry on the family name,  the traditions and bring so much joy with him. 

Henry couldn’t be with me when Ralph was born. I went to La Paz where I was more comfortable and knew what to expect from the hospital and doctors. I am glad that I went there because it was a more difficult delivery but he was okay and I was okay. Henry didn’t get to meet him for a month. Even though he came the week before he was born he couldn’t stay, he had to go back to work at the oil camps. We would send letters and photos back and forth but he couldn’t wait to meet his son. He got back about a month after he was born and we baptized him in Cochabamba since he was born in LaPaz. My parents went with us and the whole family came together and rejoiced in the birth of the first boy. 


New Adventures…


Preparing for the Next Generation